This is a blog about my journeys as a biker-chick and my journey in life with Jesus, too!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Perfect Day to Ride!

I rode my bike today and it was perfect weather for it. It's been so hot I hadn't ridden in a week! But today I couldn't stand it one minute longer and I just HAD to ride! Here are some pictures I took today -- I got lost! I love getting lost! There are so many new things to see! (As long as I have a full tank of gas!)

Here is a picture of my bike with some Sunflowers. They reminded me of my childhood home in Kansas. The ones in Kansas grow MUCH taller -- but I liked these anyway.
Sunflowers and Karla's Bike

While lost, I came across this little house that had bikes for sale. That little dog just barked and barked and barked at me!
Bikes for Sale

I love the blue in this picture. It's at the same house. Look towards the back of the picture and you can see all the bikes for sale! I love the little red bird sitting on top of the post. This is true country art, don't you think?
Bikes for Sale with Bird

Who says elephants don't live in Indiana?

Elephant at Whitley Manufacturing

No matter how much I honked or yelled these horses would NOT look at me!
Grazing Horses

Well, okay, ONE of them did -- briefly! I think she was thinking, "excuse me? Can't you see we are BUSY?" I want to learn to ride a horse. Hey, I've conquered riding a motorcycle -- surely riding a horse can't be any harder!
Only 1  Horse Would Look at Me

I really liked the color of the red buildings/barns against this emerald green soybean field. Look in my rear view mirror and you can see how looooong the the field is, and how on the other side of the road is corn!
Red Barn and Beans

I love old schoolhouses. Someone lives in this one. My husband thinks it might be apartments. The mature trees around it are just beautiful. If it IS an apartment building, I am going to go back and take better pictures. I thought it was a private residence and really didn't think I should walk up into the yard.
Old Schoolhouse

I have never in my life seen such tall beans. Look how huge they are next to my bike!
Tall, tall soybeans!

Today was the first time I got smiles from people when they realized I was a woman. I also think people think it's funny that I stop and take pictures of beans. There is beauty everywhere if you will only look!

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