This is a blog about my journeys as a biker-chick and my journey in life with Jesus, too!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

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I have ridden on the back of a Harley but I've never operated one. Tonight my husband "let me" drive his Harley. I had a BLAST. He was so nervous -- his bike has never been dropped, so I knew it was a gesture of love for him to let me ride it! It is so different than riding on my Suzuki! I was in a total state of euphoria riding it! I've never had so much fun!

The white bike is my husband's Sporster -- I think it would look great with pink saddle bags, don't you??

Husband's Sportster (Will be mine!)

This is a picture of my bike and the Sporster. I've named my bike "Tin Man."
Tin Man

On tonight's trip I found a mansion in a farm field. It seemed very out of place to me, but it was beautiful, too.
Mansion in the Corn

Mansion in a Farm Field

Mansion in the Beans

I have had my mind a lot on what is going on in the MIddle East. I am not afraid, but I am concerned that what is going on there will affect us here. When I read Ezekiel in the Bible, especially chapters 35 to the end, it sure seems like what is happening right now with Iran is prophesied there. While I'm not worried, I am wondering -- how long will we be able to have the freedom to ride like we do? What will happen to gasoline prices, to our way of life, and is Jesus coming soon?

Riding gets my mind off of the cares of this world -- but I know that some day, I will have my own mansion in heaven, and the cares of this world will not even be remembered.

In the meantime, I hope that all my loved ones will know Jesus. He is the only God Who makes sense. He is love, pure and virtuous. And while His followers fail Him, and do not live as they should, and so many times have the wrong idea about what is right in this world, Jesus doesn't. If only I could get my friends to read His Words, compare them with all the other religions in the world, and have their eyes opened to the truth. THAT would be pure euphoria -- even more than riding a Harley!
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I really believe that Jesus is coming soon -- that what is going on in the Middle East has been prophesied by Ezekiel, Daniel and in the book of Revelation. Time is short. I want to be ready!

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