This is a blog about my journeys as a biker-chick and my journey in life with Jesus, too!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Back from Camp and Leaving for the Mountains!

We had an AWESOME time at camp! Thank-you, Women Who Ride! I will be posting a bunch of pictures and telling you all about it as soon as I get back from my trip in the Smokey Mountains! I just got home yesterday, and today am washing clothes and packing to leave again tomorrow!

I will be riding 1200 miles round trip with my biker chick girlfriends, Susan and Melinda.

BikerChicks.jpg Biker Chicks picture by selahdream

We will be going town to Deal's Gap to ride the dragon!

I'm nervous and excited and everything in between. It will be a milestone in my biking career!

Check back next week for lots of pictures and stories!

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