This is a blog about my journeys as a biker-chick and my journey in life with Jesus, too!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I did it!!!!

I thought I'd just pop in and let you all know that I survived my 1000 mile trip to Mackinac Island and back on my motorcycle! I will post a full report as soon as I have time, or I just might do it in sections. There is so much to share and tell!

Here is my bike on the shore of Lake Huron -- is that AWESOME or WHAT???

bikehuron.jpg picture by selahdream

I also crossed the Mackinac Bridge -- that's five miles of bridge over the Great Lake -- and you couldn't wipe the smile off my face. It was soooooo beautiful that day! I loved it. I just wish there would have been a way for me to take a picture of what I saw while on the bridge. It was awesome. But here's a picture of the bridge:

mightymac.jpg picture by selahdream

Who would have ever thought a year ago I'd be doing THAT? Not me!! I loved it. I absolutely love riding my motorcycle with my husband! God provided us with beautiful weather and little traffic. He gave me such peace. He is so good!

On another note, I think you'll get a kick of how I've modified my iBook. I'd love a new macbook, but since I don't have the extra $$ right now, this will just have to do:

macstyleoutside.jpg picture by selahdream

macstyleinside.jpg picture by selahdream

I love pink! (Can you tell? LOL.)

If you look really close to the right you can see my Rottie girl, Gretchen snoozing next to me on the couch. (Notice I have the remote handy, too, so I can record Little House on the Prairie and my favorite news shows!)

I'll post more as I have time! Hugs to all!

1 comment:

Janet - Painted Piglet, BikerChickNews said...

Karla, you ROCK! That bridge is awesome, I'm glad you had a calm and beautiful day to ride it! So neat reading about your adventures - take care and ride safe! ~ Janet from WWR/

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