I love nature and I love recording it. Here are some pictures of a ride I took today. It was the first time I encountered deer on the road while riding my motorcycle. Scary. No, I didn't get pictures of deer -- they are too fast and the corn and foliage is too tall.
The above picture is my bike in front of a corn field at the corner of a farmer's driveway.
Below is the same driveway -- just the other side of it. Waaaaaay back behind the corn is the farm house. I love Indiana's long rambling roads and even more I love long driveways that stretch back into the hearts of forests, meadows and pastures, inviting the tired farmer home.
Below is a meadow I came to that I had not noticed before. I was appreciating it's beauty when I realized

There was a sign posted on it:

And it reads: "Classified Wildlife Habitat." No wonder it was so beautiful and so many deer were jumping in and out of it! There were a lot of little bunny families there, too.

Here's a picture of an Indiana soybean field. Look waaaaaay back into the picture -- it stretches on and on -- just like the country road in my rearview mirror.

These animals in this green pasture appealed to me. The bull on the right never took his eyes off me. I didn't realize, though, when I snapped the picture (I was melting from the heat in my full-faced helmet) that we had a "German Shorthair Pointer Cow " in the left side of the photo.

If you look very closely on the second electric pole you will see a hawk perched atop. I snapped it for the hawk, but when I got home, I realized it was also a great shot of an Indiana country road, nestled between two soybean fields.

Today when I rode three vultures/hawks (some sorts of birds of prey) flew right above me in a beautiful formation a little in front of my bike. I could have reached out and touched them. This is the second time hawks have accompanied me on my travels. I'm beginning to wonder if it's some sort of sign, or if I look like a good meal, or if they think I'm a hawk. . .not sure. Any ideas?
The picture below is so awesome because this corn is SO TALL. I was also impressed with this farmer's well manicured lawn in front of it! Talk about curb appeal!

Below is a pic of the same farm, same corn, but I wanted you to see the house beyond it and this huge beautifully manicured lawn in front of it! This is in the middle of virtually nowhere-land -- but it's just beautiful. It says a lot about a person's character when they keep their farm so tidy, don't you think?

I love my bike. I love being a Hoosier. I love that God created so much green for me to enjoy when I ride.
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